Grow a Better Life Through Homesteading

Fifteen years ago, I had nothing to my name except a pack of clothes and a car that barely ran. I rented a shack on an unfertile sandy lot in January, and had no heat nor money to pay for the luxury. I was hungry, cold, and without. It didn’t take me long to realize that I could provide most, if not all, of my needs, from the soil. After three years, I bought that shack.

I struggled for over a decade to make the land work. Without much money, it was hard work. Now we grow food for ourselves and to sell at the farmer’s market. We raise more meat than we can eat, and grow livestock feed; all on one acre of sand!

My family has freedom, peace, and resilience from this lifestyle. I want to help you get the same.

Join me and many others in the Modern Homesteading Movement!

Here are some articles to get you started. Each article has links to other articles and helpful resources.

Homestead Livestock
Gardening to Grow Real Food
Preserving and Storing Food

I have a lot of content here so look around and don’t forget to use the search function. You can also email me, Jordy, at