Classes and Consultations

I offer both in-person and video classes, as well as personal consultations for both experienced and beginners to the homesteading world.

Consultations are all booked out for now.

Video Classes

All Video courses are available through my YouTube membership program. A $2.99/month fee for a membership gives you access to all video classes. Go to the YouTube Membership page here

  • Membership Perks:
    • Specialized consultation– every Homestead Friend member gets a free consultation to help them get started or to work out a problem.
    • Video course library access– full access to all private video courses.

Available Video Courses:

  • Feed Independence
    • 26-session video course giving great detail on feed, diet, and nutrition.
    • The purpose of this course is to help you save money on feed, become more knowledgeable about feed, and help your homestead become more resilient.

Go to the YouTube membership page here

In-Person Classes

All in-person classes take place at my homestead ‘Cairnstone Farm’ in west Michigan. They include both classroom time and a hands-on portion. Indoor classes are limited to 10 people and outdoor classes can host up to 20 people. Each class is planned to take approximately one hour. They are scheduled to start at 3 pm. Cost is $25 per household.

In-Person Class Schedule:

  • March 9- Composting and Soil Building (soil health and building resilient soil)
  • April 13- Growing Sustenance Crops (how to grow real food should you need to depend on it)
  • May 11- Homestead Livestock ( housing, proper diet, and alternative feeds)
  • June 8, Livestock and the Garden (a closed-loop system for fertility and self-reliance)
  • July 13- Intro to Organic Gardening (What’s true, what’s not, and how to do it right)
  • August 10- Home Canning and Food Storage (simple and safe food preservation)
  • September 14- Alternative Animal Feeds (grow or source your own)
  • October 12- Seed Saving for Successful Growing (be your own garden store)
  • November 9- Homesteading 101 (a deep dive for a simple start)

Email for info and availability of in-person classes.

*All in-person classes will be converted to video classes after they take place. They will be roughly 2 hours long.