Information is based on the dry matter content. Remember, most fresh greens and vegetables are about 85 percent water.
*The numbers presented represent averages from a good harvest and can easily deviate by 25% based on growing conditions and variety.
With this info, you can calculate your own feed values and ratios for any desired type of ration. Remember, vegetation is about 80 percent water, and that needs to be accounted for. Consider each pound of fresh vegetation to be 3 ounces of dry matter when formulating a ration.
- Grains
- Yellow dent corn
- 8% protein
- 0.25% lysine
- 4% fat
- 73% starch
- Rye
- 14% protein
- 0.45% lysine
- 1.5% fat
- 60% starch
- Sorghum
- 10.5% protein
- 0.23% lysine
- 3.5% fat
- 71% starch
- Wheat
- 12.5% protein
- 0.35% lysine
- 1.5% fat
- 70% starch
- Oats (unhulled)
- 13% protein
- 0.40% lysine
- 5.5% fat
- 40% starch
- Yellow dent corn
- Proteins and oils
- Black oil sunflower seed
- 16% protein
- 4% lysine
- 40% fat
- 1.5% starch
- Soybean
- 46% protein
- 6% lysine
- 20% fat
- 6.4% starch
- Common Bean (dry, shelled)
- 24% protein
- 2% lysine
- 2% fat
- 42% starch
- Black oil sunflower seed
- Perrenial Pasture crops, approx (sampled mid-season)
- Grass hay (non-tropical)
- 12% protein
- 0.2% lysine
- 2% fat
- Alfalfa hay
- 18% protein
- 0.8% lysine
- 2.5% fat
- Grass and alfalfa hay
- 18% protein
- 0.5% lysine
- 2% fat
- Fresh grass (non-tropical)
- 14% protein
- 0.2% lysine
- 2% fat
- Fresh alfalfa
- 22% protein
- 1.2% lysine
- 3% fat
- Russian comfrey
- 18% protein
- 0.6% lysine
- 3.5% fat
- Grass hay (non-tropical)
- Tree crops
- White mulberry tree hay
- 25%
- 1.8% lysine
- 5.5% fat
- Poplar tree hay
- 18 percent protein
- lysine unknown
- fat unknown
- Apples
- 1% protein
- 0% lysine
- 1% fat
- 13% sugar
- Pear
- 0% protein
- 0% lysine
- 0% fat
- 11% sugar
- Persimmon
- 1% protein
- 0% lysine
- 0% fat
- 13% sugar
- Hickory Nuts
- 13% protein
- 1% lysine
- 64% fat
- 0% sugar
- Acorns
- 7.5% protein
- 0.05% lysine
- 31%fat
- 20% starch
- 0% sugar
- Pecans
- 9% protein
- 0.25% lysine
- 70% fat
- 4% sugar
- White mulberry tree hay
- Vegetables
- Pumpkin
- 14% protein
- 0.37% lysine
- 2% fat
- 1.5% sugar
- Potato
- 11% protein
- 0.5% lysine
- 0% fat
- 6% sugar
- 72% starch
- Jerusalem Artichoke
- 10% protein
- 0.3% lysine
- 0% fat
- 27% sugar
- 50% starch
- Sugar beet
- 16% protein (leaves and root combined)
- 0.67% lysine
- 1% fat
- 17% sugar
- 2% starch
- Mangel Beet
- 12% protein (leaves and root combined)
- 0.61% lysine
- 1% fat
- 5% sugar
- 1% starch
- Pumpkin