Raising Silver Fox Rabbits for Meat
Rabbits are one of the best choices of livestock for a family trying to self-sufficient. They are very small and incredibly calm natured. They aren’t dangerous when they get mad
Rabbits are one of the best choices of livestock for a family trying to self-sufficient. They are very small and incredibly calm natured. They aren’t dangerous when they get mad
Rabbits often cost between $15 and $30 a month to feed. You can learn to cut costs, or you could do it basically for free. Feed Off-Brand Pellets Cheap rabbit
My wife and I raise a herd of rabbits to provide meat for the family. We hardly ever buy pellets, but it sure was a learning experience. First off, we
We raise a lot of rabbits for our freezer and ghave tried out a lot of feed options to see what works best. The best diet for meat rabbits is
We’re raising and butchering a few hundred meat rabbits a year. This is what I’ve learned. Meat rabbits 8 to 12 weeks to reach butcher size in decent raising conditions.
Rabbits are the simplest animals we’ve raised for meat. Done right, it can be cheap and effective. Meat rabbits cost between $4.62 and $6.75 each in feed costs when fed